Friday, 10 July 2015


Aaaah the struggles of creativity... WRITERS/CREATORS/DESIGNERS BLOCK.
Lately I am struggling so much to think of ideas! I love YouTube, I love the whole process - the researching/learning, the filming, the editing and all things that come once it's uploaded. All that is great but it's harder than you think to come up with some bloody ideas for videos!
I'm a singer, so most of my videos are just covers of songs but recently - because I've been loving it so much and I have lots of free time - I want to branch out a bit more into things I'm into like interior design, beauty (but not makeup, I'm definitely not a makeup artist I just love all things beauty) and just general "tag" videos. My twin sisters and I filmed a video a few weeks ago called the "Sister Tag" (link to that is: and to be honest I think editing that video is what made me kind of fall in love with the whole process as I'd never ever found editing fun before then - trust me, it's HARD. WORK.
The twins kept asking every two seconds "have you finished editing it yet?" and I kept answering "Jesus Christ no it takes days ðŸ˜‚" 


Sunday, 7 June 2015

Hey, this is a post title

Maecegnissim vel ultricies venenatis, aliquet sed est. Donec tempus varius cursus. Nullam egestas ac arcu quis tempus. Sed dignissim nulla nulla, nec rutrum leo scelerisque vel. Curabitur pellentesque dignissim purus et mollis. Fusce rhoncus nisi odio, vitae vestibulum tellus rhoncus non. Integer id est at dui sagittis posuere. Pellentesque velit nisl, tristique nec lectus ac, mattis pretium tellus. Sed nec nulla libero.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

This is Another Post Title

Pondonemque, fugit qualisque mnesarchum at est. Adhuc alterum duo eu, soleat debitis contentiones has et. At nam alia atqui doming. Eius probatus atomorum duo cu. Prima accumsan eos at, ius ei delenit accumsan, accusam persecuti ne usu. Usu eu brute habemus consequuntur, mei nostrud percipit definitionem cu, porro simul impetus eos cu.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

This is a Post Title

Vivamus ut risus vel risus viverra pretium at a augue. Quisque et elit et tellus fringilla vehicula a eu elit. Vestibulum rhoncus lacus id augue volutpat malesuada. In maximus felis et nulla sodales egestas. Quisque finibus turpis eget eros malesuada, et ornare ipsum mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi tincidunt, turpis ac semper eleifend, lectus justo posuere mauris, a feugiat tortor neque id risus.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

This is also Another Post

Sed ut quod abhorreant constituam. At quod explicari eam, qui an iusto recteque inciderint. Nec sonet consetetur no, cu duo ridens legimus, ad has recusabo platonem. No soleat electram conceptam per, deserunt senserit convenire ad vim, nominavi signiferumque ut has.

Friday, 2 January 2015

This is an Example of a Post Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, bonorum suscipiantur at duo. Dicta sonet delenit ut ius, ius exerci partiendo deseruisse ei. His ei dicunt sensibus, sed illum fierent ponderum ex, vel id aliquam maluisset dissentiet. Quo facilis omittantur cu, nam ad quot laboramus consequat. Te diam lorem propriae vis, movet errem expetendis te quo.

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